139+ Funny Slogans For Companies Ideas You'll Ever Read

When it comes to promoting a brand or company, Funny Slogans For Companies can go a long way in creating brand awareness and increasing customer engagement. While serious and informative slogans have their place in the business world, incorporating humor into a slogan can make a brand stand out and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Funny slogans can be an effective marketing tool for businesses in any industry. Humor can break down barriers and create a more approachable and relatable image for a company. By using a funny slogan, businesses can convey their message in a memorable way and make a lasting impression on their target audience. It's important to strike a balance between humor and professionalism, so the slogan doesn't come across as unprofessional or inappropriate.

In this blog post, we will explore some funny slogans that companies have used to promote their products or services. From puns to witty one-liners, these slogans show that humor can be a powerful tool in marketing. By the end of this post, you'll have plenty of examples to draw inspiration from and a better understanding of how incorporating humor into a slogan can help businesses stand out from the competition.

Importance of Funny Slogans for Companies:

Funny slogans can be a powerful tool for companies to promote their brand and engage with customers. Here are some of the reasons why funny slogans are important:

  • Attention-grabbing: A funny slogan can quickly catch people's attention and create a positive association with the brand. It's more likely to be remembered and shared with others.
  • Differentiation: A funny slogan can help a company stand out from its competitors. It can also demonstrate the company's personality and values in a fun and creative way.
  • Emotional connection: Humor can create a positive emotional connection with customers, making them feel good about the company and more likely to purchase its products or services.
  • Viral potential: Funny slogans have the potential to go viral on social media, generating buzz and increasing brand visibility.
  • Brand recall: A catchy and funny slogan can help customers remember the brand, even if they don't recall the specific product or service.

Overall, a funny slogan can be an effective way for a company to communicate its brand message and engage with customers in a memorable and positive way.

Funny Slogans For Companies
Funny Slogans For Companies

Funny Taglines of Brands:

  • Our burgers are so good, you'll want to marry them.
  • Because life is too short for bad coffee.
  • We put the 'fun' in funeral.
  • Our ice cream is colder than your ex's heart.
  • We're not just a pizza place, we're a way of life.
  • Our gym has a 100% success rate of people leaving sweaty.
  • Our shoes are so comfy, you'll forget you're wearing them.
  • Because no one likes a boring salad.
  • We make your morning commute almost bearable.
  • Our sandwiches are so good, you'll forget you're on a diet.
  • Our whiskey is smoother than a baby's bottom.
  • We put the 'sass' in glasses.
  • Our tacos are like a party in your mouth.
  • Our lipstick lasts longer than most relationships.
  • Because sometimes you just need a damn good burger.
  • Our beer is colder than your ex's heart (yes, we said it twice).
  • Our cupcakes are so good, you'll want to slap your mama.
  • We make your bad days better and your good days even better.
  • Our popcorn is more addictive than social media.
  • We put the 'happy' in happy hour.
  • Our wings will make you forget all your problems.
  • Because boring socks are a crime.
  • Our candles are so good, you'll want to eat them (but please don't).
  • We make your home feel like a spa (minus the awkward small talk).
  • Our chocolate is so good, it's almost illegal.
  • Because life is too short for boring shoes.
  • Our burgers are worth the extra gym time (trust us).
  • We make breakfast so good, you'll want it for dinner.
  • Our cheese is so good, it's cheesy (in a good way).
  • Because sometimes you just need a damn good cupcake.

For more:199+ Unique Slogans For Brands To Increase Your Reach

Funny Brand Slogans:

  • We're the reason your boss thinks you're working.
  • Because who needs a social life when you have our products?
  • Our products are like a hug, but without the awkwardness.
  • We make your problems disappear (or at least temporarily forgotten).
  • Our products are so good, they'll make your ex jealous.
  • Because life is too short for boring brands.
  • Our brand is like a good friend - always there for you when you need it.
  • We make boring things fun (like doing laundry, but not really).
  • Our products are like a vacation for your taste buds.
  • Because being basic is overrated.
  • Our brand is like a warm blanket on a cold day (but less itchy).
  • We make your life more interesting (and delicious).
  • Our brand is like a superhero, but for your taste buds.
  • Because life is too short for bad hair days.
  • Our products are like a party in your pantry (you're invited).
  • We make your boring workday better (and sneakier).
  • Our brand is like a best friend who always has your back (and snacks).
  • Because you deserve a little bit of luxury (and by little, we mean a lot).
  • Our products are like a time machine to your childhood (without the awkward photos).
  • We make your mornings bearable (and tasty).
  • Our brand is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day (but less annoying).
  • Because life is too short for bad coffee (or tea, or hot chocolate, or any other drink really).
  • Our products are like a secret weapon for impressing your dinner guests (or just yourself).
  • We make your feet happier (and prettier).
  • Our brand is like a genie in a bottle, but for your taste buds.
  • Because life is too short for boring snacks.

Funny Business Slogans:

  • We're not just a business, we're a reason to procrastinate.
  • We make things happen, sometimes by accident.
  • Our prices are so low, it's like stealing from ourselves.
  • Where the customer is always right, even when they're wrong.
  • We'll solve your problems, but we'll probably create some new ones too.
  • We're not just a business, we're a support group for procrastinators.
  • Our customer service is like therapy, but without the couch.
  • Where the impossible is possible, but not always advisable.
  • Our products are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
  • We don't just meet expectations, we exceed them (sometimes accidentally).
  • Our business is like a rollercoaster, but without the safety harness.
  • We're not just a business, we're a cult (but without the creepy stuff).
  • Our products are like a party in your mouth, but without the hangover.
  • Where innovation meets procrastination.
  • We're not just a business, we're a dysfunctional family.
  • Our products are like a box of surprises, some good, some not so good.
  • We're not just a business, we're a way of life (a weird one, but still).
  • Our prices are so low, we're practically giving it away (but we're not that desperate).
  • Where the weird and wonderful collide (and sometimes explode).
  • We're not just a business, we're a wild ride (so buckle up).
  • Our products are like a box of crayons, sometimes broken, but still colorful.
  • Where creativity meets chaos.
  • We're not just a business, we're a comedy show (sometimes unintentionally).
  • Our customer service is like a game of Jenga, we'll try to keep everything from falling apart.
  • Where dreams come true, and then quickly become nightmares.
  • We're not just a business, we're a circus (but without the animals, we're not that crazy).

Best Funny Advertising Slogans:

  • Our products are so good, they'll make you forget your own name.
  • Because who needs a savings account when you can have our products?
  • Our products are like a hug from a unicorn.
  • We're not just a brand, we're a lifestyle (albeit a weird one).
  • Our products are so good, they'll make you want to dance the cha-cha.
  • Because life's too short to be boring (and so are our products).
  • Our products are like a magic carpet ride, without the risk of falling off.
  • We're not just a brand, we're your new best friend (the kind that doesn't judge you).
  • Our products are like a superhero in a can (minus the cape).
  • Because happiness is just one purchase away (and it's on sale!).
  • Our products are like a rainbow in a bottle (but without the leprechauns).
  • We're not just a brand, we're a party (and you're invited).
  • Our products are like a hug from your grandma (but without the awkward conversation).
  • Because who needs a significant other when you have our products?
  • Our products are like a vacation in a box (but without the sunscreen).
  • We're not just a brand, we're a circus (but without the clowns, we promise).
  • Our products are like a high-five from a unicorn (because why not).
  • Because boring is so last year (and so are our products).
  • Our products are like a disco ball for your soul.
  • We're not just a brand, we're a time machine (for your taste buds).
  • Our products are like a party in your mouth (and everyone's invited).
  • Because life's too short to be serious (and so are our products).
  • Our products are like a vacation for your taste buds (without the jet lag).

Funny Commercial Slogans:

  • I'm not a morning person, but my coffee is.
  • We put the 'fun' in funeral.
  • Don't be a salad, be the steak.
  • Life's too short to wear boring underwear.
  • We don't make the bacon, we just make it better.
  • The only thing better than our pizza is our puns.
  • We're not just good, we're ridiculously good.
  • When life gives you lemons, trade them for coffee.
  • We put the 'happy' in Happy Hour.
  • Our burgers are so good, you'll want to marry them.
  • We're not just a grocery store, we're a destination.
  • Our hot sauce is like a kiss from a dragon.
  • Don't just live your life, taste it.
  • We're not just a restaurant, we're an experience.
  • Our fries are crispy enough to wake the dead.
  • Our ice cream is cooler than the other side of the pillow.
  • We don't just sell shoes, we sell swagger.
  • Our bread is so fresh, you'll think we have a time machine.
  • We're not just a gym, we're a lifestyle.
  • Our beer is the reason weekends were invented.
  • We're not just a car company, we're a love story.
  • Our candles smell better than your ex.
  • We don't just make sandwiches, we make memories.
  • Our smoothies are so good, you'll forget they're healthy.
  • We're not just a pet store, we're a pet's best friend.
  • Our popcorn is the reason movie theaters were invented.
  • Don't just settle for good, be great with us.
  • Our tacos are so good, you'll want to speak Spanish.
  • We're not just a bar, we're a good time.
  • Our cookies are made with love and a little bit of magic.
  • Don't just wear clothes, wear confidence.
  • Our muffins are the reason mornings were invented.
  • We're not just a hair salon, we're a hair party.

For more:199+ Impactful Slogan For Unity Samples & Taglines

The Do's and Don'ts of Using Funny Slogans for Brands:

Using funny slogans for brands can be a great way to capture attention and make your brand more memorable. However, there are some important do's and don'ts to keep in mind to ensure that your use of humor is appropriate and effective. Here are some key considerations:


  • Know your audience: It's important to understand who your target audience is and what type of humor will resonate with them. What may be funny to one group may not be funny to another.
  • Keep it relevant: Your funny slogan should be relevant to your brand and product. It should help to communicate your brand's unique selling proposition or key benefits.
  • Be original: Avoid using overused or cliched jokes and puns. Instead, try to come up with something fresh and original that will stand out from the competition.
  • Keep it simple: A funny slogan that is easy to understand and remember is more likely to be effective. Avoid being too clever or using obscure references that may be lost on your audience.


  • Offend anyone: Humor can be subjective, so it's important to avoid making jokes that could be seen as offensive or insensitive. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid jokes that could be perceived as sexist, racist, or discriminatory in any way.
  • Use humor to cover up flaws: If your brand has underlying issues or weaknesses, using humor to try and distract from them may backfire. Instead, focus on addressing any problems and building a strong brand foundation before incorporating humor.
  • Forget your brand values: Make sure that your funny slogan aligns with your brand values and image. Don't use humor for the sake of being funny if it goes against your brand identity or messaging.
Funny Taglines of Brands


In conclusion, using Funny Slogans For Companies is a great way to create brand awareness and leave a lasting impression on customers. With the right combination of humor and creativity, businesses can develop slogans that not only grab attention but also resonate with their target audience. Funny Slogans For Companies can make a brand seem approachable, relatable, and memorable. They can also be used to communicate the unique value proposition of a business, differentiate it from competitors, and encourage customers to engage with the brand.

We hope that this blog post has provided you with some inspiration and guidance for developing your own Funny Slogans For Companies. Remember to keep your target audience in mind, be creative, and don't be afraid to take risks with your Funny Slogans For Companies. It's important to test your slogans and see how they resonate with your customers. You may need to make adjustments or try different variations until you find the one that works best for your brand.

Finally, we want to express our gratitude to our readers for taking the time to read this blog post. We hope that you found it informative and enjoyable. We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this topic. Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think. Also, don't forget to visit our website for more slogan ideas and other useful resources for your business and brand. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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